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Sue Lovemore

nourish and flow


“We nourish through what we choose to eat, feel, think and do”


“We flow by moving, breathing and being open to change”.


“Health is harmony. It is when all aspects of body, mind and soul are playing in tune”.

Could you feel better?

Hello. Welcome to my website. I’m Sue, a nutritional therapist and functional medicine practitioner with more than 20 years experience in helping people to feel better.

Is there some aspect of health you’d like to improve? Would you like more energy? To feel less stressed? To reach your ideal weight? Improve digestion, immunity or hormonal balance? Maybe you feel stuck with chronic health problems that you can’t seem to find your way out of? Perhaps you would like to boost some aspect of performance?

To achieve any goal we first need a clear picture of what that goal looks like. Good health is not merely the absence of niggling or debilitating syjptoms. But that can be a good start of course. Good health is about having the energy and reislience to acheive the things we wish for in life. Good health is also about feeling happy.  For, deep down, what is disease really, other than something that makes us feel ill at ease?

It can take time to reach our health goals., depending on how long we have had issues, how deeply entrenched they are, and what is going on in our lives. Like peeling back the layers of an onion, sometimes we need to take it step by step.  But give the body what it needs and we can expect to feel better and better each step of the way. It is also possible to experience dramatic upshifts in wellbeing, where we hit the nail on the head, and the body quiickly snaps back into better balance.

So think about what you would like to achieve. Picture it. You can do it. I’d love to help you discover how.

What I do

In my expeirience, most people have a gut instinct about how health issues began and a broad sense of what they need, but it can be difficult to work it out and know where to start. Looking at symptoms as patterns, particularly within the context of your indivdiual story, can reveal underlying  imbalances that we can address with changes in diet and lifestyle.  There are patterns within conditions, too, that are linked with particular nutritional needs.  We can use nutritional therapy to support digestion, reduce inflammation and improve energy. This is often all the body needs to start building a pattern of health. We can fine-tune things and dig deeper if we need. Functional testing can shed light on where the body may be struggling. I also use a bioenergetic scan in each of my consultations to reveal energetic patterns that may be blocking the body from healing. This includes looking at the mind/body link, which is so important to wellbeing. Whatever your health goal, I hope to help you to see clearly how you can achieve it. I help you to make it real by giving you the practical support to make it easy to stick with.

“if we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with”


Deepak Chopra

nourish and flow

Your body knows how to keep you well. How to heal a cut, how to clear an infection, how to balance hormones, how to strenghten muscle and bone.  You are built to be healthy, resilient and strong.

Every moment of every day your body is in a state of dynamic flow, making trillions of little adjustments to meet the demands placed upon it. It’s a finely tuned orchestration. We can see health as harmony. It is when all aspects of the body are playing in tune.

Health should be easy. Dis-ease is when it is not.

When good healh becomes a challenge, we should seek to understand why. In what way may the body be undernourished, lacking the tools it needs to thrive? What may be interfering with the communcation flow that allows the body to adapt and recover?

Look within. Your body has the answers.


A good diet lays a strong foundation for health.  Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs,, spices, beans, pulses, proteins and wholegrains  contain a complex array of nutrients that build and support the body.

Natural foods are the bulding blocks for health. When we eat well we build ourselves  anew.  Food is also information. It speaks to our DNA. Inform means to give shape or form to. Foods send messages to our cells that change the way that DNA expresses itself.  DNA expression is the blueprint that informs the structure and function of the cell. What we choose to eat is a powerful way to influence whether our cells express a pattern of health or disease.

“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The  natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food.”



Personalised nutritional interventions are one of the most powerful paths to wellness

Get to the Root

Functional medicine is a systems-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease.


Get the gen on what foods may best suit with testing. Metabolic Balance is a bespoke diet based on your blood chemistry. Nutrigenomix gives clues on what foods your genes may need more or less of.


Everything moves.  We breathe in, we breathe out. Blood flows, carrying oxygen and nourishment to the cells. The cells are vibrating with activity. The biochemistry of life never stops.  Everything is in a constant state of flux, yet there is a pattern and rhythm to it. Each cell autonomus, but working for the body as a whole. The body in step with the cycles of day and night and the changes in its environment, finely-tuned to respond to what’s needed in each moment.   We can see health as a state where everything flows easily and disease as the body being stuck in some way. One of the keys to health is to keep things flowing. To breathe, to hydrate, to move, to relax and to go with the flow.

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”

― Lao Tzu


Looking beyond the physical body with a NES Health scan.


Relax and unwind and let healing happen.


How our unique biological make-up influences body function.

I Just love working with Sue

I just love working with Sue. I came to see her when I was at my lowest, not knowing what to do with myself. My view of life was dark and I was pretty unbalanced. Sue works with Infoceuticals and these were a life saver taking me out of my despondency within almost a week. Not only that, her skills as a nutritionist are extraordinary. Sue is passionate about what she does and great with follow up after sessions. I would highly recommend her when it comes to physical and emotional imbalances which for me has brought long lasting results. Terri, Energy Healer.

My energy levels are so much better

My energy levels are so much better.  I am getting a lot more out of life now I have finally sought and received such good help from Sue. Lara, Busy Mum of Three!, Devon

A body at ease

When approaching the knotty subject of cutting out your most craved food items Sue’s knowledge and explanations of the body’s biochemistry gives you the support and motivation to work for a body at ease.  Rebecca, Osteopath, Devon

Sue is a superb nutritionist

Sue is a superb nutritionist! She helped me so much with my skin issues. Not only did I receive insight into what I should be eating but Sue’s deep knowledge helped me to understand why I should be eating certain things and not others. She was also able to guide me towards supplements that I needed to take in order to enhance my diet. It is great working with Sue, she is truly gifted as a practitioner.” Mel, Homeopath, London

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07835 967 197

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